Lifestyle Medicine Practice
Primary Care that focuses on addressing lifestyle modification to improve, stop and/or reverse chronic diseases such as diabetes, HTN, heart disease….
Educational services to teach you what foods contribute to health and vitality with emphasis on a plant-based diet.
Cooking demonstration and stargates to meal prepping to enhance your dietary consumption skills.
Access to already prepared 100% plant base food at our onsite café.
Exercise Science / Physical Therapy
On-site one-on-one and group exercise programs tailored for your specific need.
Our exercise programs are designed to achieve enhanced agility, mobility, and strength.
Alternative Medicine
Acupuncture and Chines medical services would allow you to explore and incorporate one of the world’s oldest medical systems.
Psychological Health Counselor
Tailored psychological support, therapy, and guidance to bring emotional and mental balance.
Stress Management
Coordinated group yoga, Tai chi, and meditation.
Social and Civic events such as dance classes, art shows, volunteering opportunities.
Community gardening and educational retreats.
Spiritual Guide
Counseling guide to help you develop and nurture your spiritual dimension.
Financial Health
Certified CPA to assist and educate you on finance and wealth-building to mitigate the #1 cause of stress in society.
Esthetic Wellness
Esthetician service such as facial, message, dermabrasion, laser… to highlight your beauty and build your confidence to match your inner wellbeing.
Wellness Coaching
You will have personal support and a cheerleader providing you with one-on-one 45 minutes in debt wellness counseling weekly for 12 weeks.
Naturopathic Parkinson’s Symptoms Management
Applying Amino Acid/Nutritional supplement as per Dr. Hinze protocol.
Physical movement and nutritional education resources.